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Twelve Branches
Three Currents
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Tao Time Blog

The I Ching is a Proven Guide for Success

The Three Currents Inquiry

18 days, 3 hexagrams to a realization or manifestion befitting time and place you are in.

Begetting, Becoming, Begoning

Idea, Design, Product

Maiden, Mother, Crone

Be, Do, Have

Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable



to schedule.

The I Ching originated as an agrarian guide, tied to the lunar months. A sequence of hexagrams spans the solar year beginning with the Chinese New Year; the second new moon of the Gregorian calendar.

Agrarian cycles, defined in the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter can also be said as begetting, becoming, begoning. This triad is the contextual model for the three currents.

The triad can be said as idea, design, and product; beginning, middle, end; cardinal, fixed, mutable and be, do, and have.

Begetting, becoming and begoning interpretation of an I Ching inquiry is what I call the three currents. Every project, procedure, enterprise and endeavor contains these elements.

Preparing an inquiry
The opportunity of applying the I Ching to an inquiry is done in a question. Preparing the question is done in a two step procedure. The clearer the question and the deeper your perception of the matters at stake, the more profound the answer will be.

Establishing the Field
The first step is to consider the matter. Search out the feelings, images and experiences involved. Articulate what you feel and think what you know and what you do not know. Look for relevant memories and experiences, hopes and fears, dreams and desires. Look to see what is there, no matter how contradictory. This will establish a field of associations that can focus the symbols and relate them to your concerns.

Formulating the Question
The second step is to formulate the question as clearly as possible. Base it on what you want to do. As you contemplate the question find the place where desire melts into uncertainty. As your inquiry deepens search out the level of specifity you need. It doe not matter what you are asking about as long as it is personally important and your motives in asking are sincere.

Yes and no questions are not usually effective. An effective formulation of a specific question might be: what about doing X? or What should my position about X be? If you are confused about the whole situation, you can ask the most basic question of the I Ching oracle: What time is it for me? Please give me an image of my overall situation. You can also ask for a strategy or guide: What is the most effective stance to take towards Y? How can I best achieve X? or How can I help A? If you are truly up against a dilemma, you can ask for an image of each alternative, formulating two questions: What about doing X? What about doing Y?

In formulating the questions, or asking about another person, you should be sure your motives are clear, straight and compassionate. Tradition says that the I Ching oracle will respond clearly to a real need but will not allow itself to be used for greedy or manipulative ends.

Position the Inquirer
Another thing to consider in posing a question is the position of the Inquirer. How is the person asking the question related to the matter at hand? In what way are they involved in the situation and what power do they have over the situation? Define who the Inquirer is by asking on behalf of: him or herself, as head of a family, as a therapist or healer, as manager or spokesperson for the group. The answers the oracle offers will be directly related to this position.

Active Dialogue
Applying the active dialogue form the basic question can be reformulated into an action inquiry. This process applies what the depth psychologist C.G. Jung called active imagination. It can lead to further questions as you explore the matter you are considering in depth. Give the oracle’s first response careful consideration. Where further questions arise, do not hesitate to ask again. The I Ching oracle invites this sort of dialogue.

The basic question you ask can be focused and make better sense by asking a guide. As you contemplate the guide can lead you to connect to the situation, what you can do now. You can then ask a From Now question.

Conducting the Inquiry
Cleanse the coins through a saging method then, with a clear mind, hold the inquiry in your mind and cast the coins six times, counting each throw. This is the begetting of the inquiry.

To obtain the becoming hexagram identify the nuclear hexagram of the casting. If there are changing lines, ignore them.

The evolved hexagram determined from the changing lines is the begoning. Where there are no changing lines repeat the cast hexagram.

Now conduct a dialogue about the inquiry framed in the oracular hexagrams of the three currents.

It is best to have someone to talk to who knows the interpretive qualities of the I Ching to assist you in getting to the depth of the wisdom.

The one called Dale Bruder, is among the cultural innovators who have devised implements and techniques to use the I Ching in describing and predicating elements, processes and experiences in practices involving special uses of the mind and body.






Tao Time Master

Communication Links Voice/Text 520.331.1956

Sojourn the Currents of the Occurring Worlds
Dale Bruder is a life student of the Tao through the I Ching. Since 1976 he has been applying the I Ching to his self the way psychoanalysts and Zen teachers apply psychoanalysis or Zen to themselves before presenting to others.
His studies of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian  I Ching texts towards  mastery of the 'hall of mirrors at the end of a giant kaleidoscope'  continues today. His intellectual journey is to match the complexity of ordinary real life with total coherence of the three views of Chinese thought.
Life is cyclical and sequential; a series of events and episodes that advances or reverses goals and aspirations.
Making use of and learning from the experience is a key component of a well lived life. Using the Tao Time path changes the social, cultural, technological and economic push/pulls into a flow that is navigable.
Dale Bruder, a business intelligence consultant, invites you to play the infinite game.
(520) 331-1956


The I Ching or Book of Changes, the oldest and most profound of the Chinese classics, has gained widespread acceptance in many fields of interest in the contemporary West. Starting with the simplest principles conceivable to the human mind, it elaborates a structure of structures that has long been used to analyze phenomena in all areas of human interest.

Today there is great interest in the application of the principles of the I Ching and derivative texts on strategy in the business and political world as well as in the context of personal life.
The Thomas Clearly translations of
  • Liu I-ming's eighteenth century The Taoist I Ching (1986)
  • Chih-hsu Ou-i's sixteenth century The Buddhist I Ching (1987)
  • Cheng Yi's eleventh-century commentary on the I Ching in The Tao of Organization (1988)
  • I Ching Mandalas - a historical compilation (1989)

Two books by Guy Damian Knight

  • The I Ching on Love (1984)
  • The I Ching on Business and Decision Making (1986) provide commentaries as well.
Beginning with Khigh Dheigh's Taoist Book of Days (1975-1982) a working format of bringing I Ching into personal life and business processes took form. Over observation time and through scholarship the I Ching used here in tao time has informed into commentaries used in my work.







Tao Time Master

Communication Links Voice/Text 520.331.1956

Sojourn the Currents of the Occurring Worlds
Dale Bruder is a life student of the Tao through the I Ching. Since 1976 he has been applying the I Ching to his self the way psychoanalysts and Zen teachers apply psychoanalysis or Zen to themselves before presenting to others.
His studies of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian  I Ching texts towards  mastery of the 'hall of mirrors at the end of a giant kaleidoscope'  continues today. His intellectual journey is to match the complexity of ordinary real life with total coherence of the three views of Chinese thought.
Life is cyclical and sequential; a series of events and episodes that advances or reverses goals and aspirations.
Making use of and learning from the experience is a key component of a well lived life. Using the Tao Time path changes the social, cultural, technological and economic push/pulls into a flow that is navigable.
Dale Bruder, a business intelligence consultant, invites you to play the infinite game.
(520) 331-1956


The I Ching or Book of Changes, the oldest and most profound of the Chinese classics, has gained widespread acceptance in many fields of interest in the contemporary West. Starting with the simplest principles conceivable to the human mind, it elaborates a structure of structures that has long been used to analyze phenomena in all areas of human interest.

Today there is great interest in the application of the principles of the I Ching and derivative texts on strategy in the business and political world as well as in the context of personal life.
The Thomas Clearly translations of
  • Liu I-ming's eighteenth century The Taoist I Ching (1986)
  • Chih-hsu Ou-i's sixteenth century The Buddhist I Ching (1987)
  • Cheng Yi's eleventh-century commentary on the I Ching in The Tao of Organization (1988)
  • I Ching Mandalas - a historical compilation (1989)

Two books by Guy Damian Knight

  • The I Ching on Love (1984)
  • The I Ching on Business and Decision Making (1986) provide commentaries as well.
Beginning with Khigh Dheigh's Taoist Book of Days (1975-1982) a working format of bringing I Ching into personal life and business processes took form. Over observation time and through scholarship the I Ching used here in tao time has informed into commentaries used in my work.






Tao Time Master

Communication Links Voice/Text 520.331.1956

Sojourn the Currents of the Occurring Worlds
Dale Bruder is a life student of the Tao through the I Ching. Since 1976 he has been applying the I Ching to his self the way psychoanalysts and Zen teachers apply psychoanalysis or Zen to themselves before presenting to others.
His studies of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian  I Ching texts towards  mastery of the 'hall of mirrors at the end of a giant kaleidoscope'  continues today. His intellectual journey is to match the complexity of ordinary real life with total coherence of the three views of Chinese thought.
Life is cyclical and sequential; a series of events and episodes that advances or reverses goals and aspirations.
Making use of and learning from the experience is a key component of a well lived life. Using the Tao Time path changes the social, cultural, technological and economic push/pulls into a flow that is navigable.
Dale Bruder, a business intelligence consultant, invites you to play the infinite game.
(520) 331-1956


The I Ching or Book of Changes, the oldest and most profound of the Chinese classics, has gained widespread acceptance in many fields of interest in the contemporary West. Starting with the simplest principles conceivable to the human mind, it elaborates a structure of structures that has long been used to analyze phenomena in all areas of human interest.

Today there is great interest in the application of the principles of the I Ching and derivative texts on strategy in the business and political world as well as in the context of personal life.
The Thomas Clearly translations of
  • Liu I-ming's eighteenth century The Taoist I Ching (1986)
  • Chih-hsu Ou-i's sixteenth century The Buddhist I Ching (1987)
  • Cheng Yi's eleventh-century commentary on the I Ching in The Tao of Organization (1988)
  • I Ching Mandalas - a historical compilation (1989)

Two books by Guy Damian Knight

  • The I Ching on Love (1984)
  • The I Ching on Business and Decision Making (1986) provide commentaries as well.
Beginning with Khigh Dheigh's Taoist Book of Days (1975-1982) a working format of bringing I Ching into personal life and business processes took form. Over observation time and through scholarship the I Ching used here in tao time has informed into commentaries used in my work.



Transformative Tao

Begins on the New Moon

contact the TaoTime Master for location and time.

Begin a personal conversation with the I Ching oracle on this day before the New Moon. Continue your conversation for 72 Days in a Transformative Tao experience. Transformative Tao Sojourn $90

520-331-1956 or email to Begin Your Transformative Tao Inquiry

When you can discern changes, the I Ching becomes available to you.


Transformative Tao Seventy-Two Days $90

Three Currents Inquiry - A three hour inquiry and consultation that takes Eighteen days to play out $25

What Time is It For Me? A one hour inquiry and consultation that calls you to live the answer for Six days $10

Tao Time Book of Days A daily journal beginning on January 21, 2023 continuing through the year

Tao Time IChing Texts

The 64 Hexagrams Worksheets & Articles in reproducible form $10


Topical Papers


Tao Time

The ecstasy of timelessness as Begetting, Becoming, Begoning is embodied in Tao Time.

Formulated 3,500 years ago in 64 interactive social and cultural messages about human and social interactions,

The IChing adapts and flexes shape in processes and procedures to navigate the means and matters that flow.

Through observation, detail and predication the IChing channels timeless energies. Following the forms of evolving and devolving leads to an ideal state of being. This is Tao

Transformative Tao is one of those instruments. The 72 day sojourn between two and a half lunar cycles builds and releases energy creating momentum in realizing the appropriate manifestation of an inquiry made of the oracle.

Transformative Tao is a 14 part seminar on understanding and applying intentionally called actions.

Through a methodological use of the IChing, or the Book of Changes,one can access and apply the wisdom in current times.

Applying the wisdom of the Tao, or the Way, always brings you exactly what you need when you need it to stay successful no matter the circumstances. Everything is useful in the Tao.

The Oracle is the I Ching, a construction of eight trigrams that form a combination of sixty four hexagrams that describes humans social and cultural activities.



The Tao Time Master







Communication Links Voice/Text 520.331.1956


Sojourn Currents of the Occurring Worlds

Dale Bruder is a life student of the Tao through the I Ching. Since 1976 he has been applying the I Ching to his self the way psychoanalysts and Zen teachers apply psychoanalysis or Zen to themselves before presenting to others.


His studies of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian  I Ching texts towards  mastery of the 'hall of mirrors at the end of a giant kaleidoscope'  continues today. His intellectual journey is to match the complexity of ordinary real life with total coherence of the three views of Chinese thought.


Life is cyclical and sequential; a series of events and episodes that advances or reverses goals and aspirations.


Making use of and learning from the experience is a key component of a well lived life. Using the Tao Time path changes the social, cultural, technological and economic push/pulls into a flow that is navigable.


Dale Bruder, a business intelligence consultant, invites you to play the infinite game.

(520) 331-1956



Transformative Tao Sojourns

First Moon

Second Moon

Third Moon

Fourth Moon

Fifth Moon

Sixth Moon

Seventh Moon

Eighth Moon

Ninth Moon

Tenth Moon

Eleventh Moon

Twelfth Moon